Monday, May 02, 2011


every relationship goes through stages...
sad to say, the stage i dread most is here.... just 1 step to the breakup.
i don't expect things to go back like it was 3 years back because i know it won't feel the same.
but at least... let's take a break on quarreling over the slightest thing.

today u lied /joked me twice...
while i was on my way you said u extended your duty to 830.
while i was at the bus stop you said i needed to wait for another 15mins

then u called and said u overshot ur stop.
1st thing that came to my mind is of cus i thought u were already at home and u were lying.
so i laughed. now it's my fault for laughing?
I did try to make it up m msging you throughout your journey back.
you said "nevermind, don't bother. if all you gonna do is laugh, i'd rather you go sleep"
and you know what! that was never my intention. u made me feel this way.
i didn't know you were dead serious abt it. am i to blame?
but whatever. i don't give a damn now you know.
ya, and always i get blamed for it.

but good now i know you no longer read my blog i can vent them like how much i want here.
sometimes i feel we have a serious communication breakdown.
i know u always say i think i am always right, i think you'll always in the wrong.
i am a perfectionist, i don't find faults in myself.
but how come all these only surfaced 3 and a half years into our relationship.
i always blame it on karma. karma for mistreating you in our first year.
you always had to give in to me. now it's your turn.
i shouldn't complain.

I will not give up till my heart tell me so... but babe, it has been a very tiring race
and i cannot find my pace. we're not even halfway through the race...
as i continue this race, i feel you're further and further...