Monday, April 18, 2016

Ridiculously long

What! 3 mths since my last post?
Time flies indeed. into the 2nd quarter of the year
Age seems to catchup quite abit.
work has been overwhelming as usual
and new boss hasn't been the best thing that happened
pissed me off totally. I am usually kind and not so judgemental
but he tested my limits. like really. haven't been so pissed with someone for a really long time

Isham has gone for a 9 week training
also a good time to catch up my studies and diet plan.
my exams end exactly the day he graduates.
InshaAllah that will be my last exam.
last week I was busy adapting to a new liftstyle all over again.
bothered by house, wedding plans.
this week I am pretty much settled down. and yay. finally can start on lecture 1!
not too bad right.... I am slightly less than 2 mths away!

Can't wait for our house to be done. excited maxxxxxxx!

Sunday, January 24, 2016


the last i remembered was studying for my exams,
rushing through year end work,
then preparation for wedding...

every week has been quite standard, travelling to the east to look at bridal stuffs
so tired to travel X.X
almost done with the bookings before we move on to the house!
the house will be ready much earlier than expected.
an Alhamdulillah, our finances have been well managed so far.

Chinese new year 2 weeks away. no feeel totally! just feel like eating junk only :)

Hope I can be an ACCA affiliate 2016. In sha Allah