Sunday, August 23, 2009

2 papers down or 2 papers to go?

As the rain pours just when it strikes 12,
it was a clear sign to allow myself to take a proper rest.
But no, that's not gonna happen because I'll screw my TAX!

2 of my most horrendous,absurd, lousiest,craziest, hated exams are finally over!
not that I'm damn good in the remaining hope, but i do see some hope(I HOPE!).
anyway, today, or rather yesterday was the first day of the fasting month.
It wasn't as bad as last year I think...
But it felt weird in the bus because he was beside me
yet we couldn't have any physical contact.
So in short, a big Shi Lin has to squeeze in a small space,
because 'Isham is selfish. hahahahaha! just kidding.

I took a power nap during my study session just now.
It felt like as if it was half an hour long but in actual fact i think it was only 15minutes?
den i had a weird dream, I dreamt that I was sleeping during exam!
time is running short! den the next moment, I was up from my nap and realised,
no, it's not an exam.
but after that i felt damn refreshed shiooooooook.

Tax is tough IFA is cui.
how leh?

anw, can't wait for holidays because i have a whole list of things i really want to achieve.
won't reveal it just yet...
partly cus 'Isham is fasting and it's time to spend lots of time on what I've always wanted to.
can't wait to implement new changes t my lifestyle.
maybe go for a complete eating lifestyle makeover.
my mum says i'm growing fatter. maybe i should start fasting!
opps, did i just mention smth.
anw, my veins are clearly visible because i'm too fair. siansz
jitao can see too clearly that i find it too disgusting.
because my foot is in pathetic shape. sigh =(


oh ya, Happy birthday Mich, Xueer,Xuele (:

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