Thursday, September 23, 2010

I lost touch with the world.
I have NO internet access during work.
and when i'm back, i'm too tired to go online, chat
I sleep at 11pm +- everyday
It's a good cycle though (:

Work isn't that bad, if only I had more things to do.
then I don't need to stoned infront of the computer with no internet access
I even brought story books.
give me work to do! zzzz dun keep doing your own work
when u leave i know nothing i die not you die =(
Looks like finance department have ALOT of new staffs
maybe just maybe it's quite a scary place~ lol

1 comment:

  1. 自分のエロさってどのぐらいなんだろう?と思ったらHチェッカー!年始の期間限定で特別に診断結果に合わせて、異性を紹介するおまけつき!自分と同じぐらいHな異性と知り合えるのですぐに仲良くなれる!
