Wednesday, January 06, 2010

2010 resolutions that i forgot!

MORE PICS WITH ISHAM!!! =D super need a cam.
First and last clubbing experience
Driving license
lose weight

anw, prawning with the girls were awesome!!!

Today i was home without 'Isham cus i didn't go for training!!!
suddenly became very aware of my surroundings.
I got very paranoid because this uncle who sat beside me,
kept turning his head towards me.
and gave that 'check out whole body' look.
seriously WTF!
i mean not like i have a nice body.
please, guys check out all sorts of bods, whether nice or not! haha

ok, and then i walked home alone...
I know i'll miss this place even though it's meant for the poor
and it's filthy, smelly, unbearable.
but guess what! i've been here for three years and still counting!
it's convenient cus got food opposite =D
but super not convenient when it comes to going town.
other than that, I CAN'T WAIT TO MOVEEEE!
but here's the catch,
every time i move, i either end a rls or start a new rls.
haha. ehhhhhhhhh.... maybe just coincidence i don't know =D
but distance kills.
so near yet so far!

2009 had been a very more than a peaceful year of Isham and I
other than the major incident that happened not long ago,
quarrels have significantly reduced,
i don't walk out on him anymore...
i'm a cool lady now! don't remember alot of incidents he sat by the flight of stairs alone.
YAY! we survived through 2009.
well talking bout it, i really need to get used to meeting him less
and sometimes we share really different stands on certain issue
and such stuffs causes us troubles...
he'd make a perfect husband with a stable job and a caring and understanding heart.

my mum showed the first sign of acceptance after 2 years!!!+++
i don't know if it's temporary or what.
but i know the only way to prove her, or anyone who disapproves our relationship,
is to LET TIME TELL!!!
is there a point to continue a relationship that is going nowhere?
but it's until 'Isham that i realised...
Oh... we're dating cus we're building a future for ourselves.
in fact, i can't see any future with any of my exs.
My heart tells me... just go with it until the day you have to decide.
Dating a muslim is not easy, let alone a strict muslim.
abide by muslim rules and personal rules,
restrictions i'm not used to...
and guess what?! i survived!!!
but i know there are endless challenges for us to discover.
and when we become stronger after each challenge
that's what keeping us going.

one last wish: I want us to meet in the morning more often.
Night owls, so usually we don't get to meet early in the morning.
Otherwise, plans made and delayed.
it's so typical! it's like i'm even struggling with school! let alone 'isham.
well i admit i'm the lazy one...

I don't know what kind of girlfriend am i to him,
but dearest, you're still the best bf ever!! =DD
and i swear even if you're not as good looking as chace crawford
or as muscular as bautisa, I STILL LOVE YOU!!
sometimes it's not about others, it's about you!!
so don't always make comparison la! haha

come 14th is our 26th month.
2 years ago, we had swensens =D
Jan 14... i want ^^

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