Monday, January 25, 2010

yum yum! walk walk!

our place of the day! spot it =D

If it wasn't obvious enough... the colourful decorations above would have gave it away.
anw, we were pretty lucky! saw this very interesting exhibition
with 100 icons and how they changed over the years
from very random Khong Guan to Government subsidiaries like IRAS.
Change is the only constant! =D
but of cus there were some who've yet to change.
but i know they will,in the future =D

so anw, after the exhibition it was dinner. heh!!
was starving cus didn't eat anything since morning!
how's my new camera =D

set meals comes with soup and drink!

and my favourite grilled dory fish!

obviously 'Isham is trying to test my photography skills. =D
anw, after "dinner"(notice the inverted commas)
we were suppose to head for dim sum!
but we had a hard time finding it! it's our first time, so we walked pass many
and guess what!!
nice right! =D

Single Ladies

Outisde singpapore art museum? can't remember which museum
oh so anw we walked high and low and finally found the place!
took pic while waiting for food!

Steamed on the spot took us about 10-20mins?

Can anyone guess what is this?
Originates from Shanghai
but a pity i didn't even taste it in Shanghai
but so glad i have it here in Singapore
is it obvious enough?
=D ok, give up
in chicken!!! so rest assure all ppl, i'm still sticking to my old regime...
change is the only constant but this doesn't change! hahaha
forgot to take a picture before eating
was too eager to try,
so that explains why it's in the spoon.
anw it taste great though i think the ginger taste can be stronger!
the first one i ate got the chickeny smell.
subsequently, it tasted great!! =D
there were 5 in one 'long'
Great stuff.
This is guo tie! Dumpling inside got veggie and what not!
too large a serving for both of us!
Finally signing off!
Next stop:Swedish Cafe.
Heavenly swedish meatballs. yum yum!

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